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What fund houses are saying

Kalpen Parekh
B Wealthy - founded by swati - is a great digital initiative to help Indian consumers become better investors. It stands for simple way of explaining concepts related to money - including investing. I like the honesty and purity of the intent from Swati and can see that in the choice of topics, I am impressed with the efforts she makes herself to first learn the concept and then conduct her sessions and interviews. We get swayed by news and topical content - I have liked swati s and b weatlhy s content for its timelessness and making it actionable for the viewers and help them in becoming better investors I wish b wealthy to continue this journey of honest content delivered with simplicity and creating investors for good
MD & CEO at DSP Mutual Fund

Anil Ghelani
I have been following the work done by Swati since the past many years, earlier when she was anchoring a popular personal finance show on CNBC Awaaz, and since the past few years on her B Wealthy channel which is very popular on YouTube. Swati is a well read professional with a strong grip on personal finace matters. I have found B Wealthy content to be well researched, timely and it is communicated in hindi, with practical examples and live Q&A, which makes it very effective and simple to connect with.
Head Passive Investments & Products. DSP MF

Swarup Mohanty
- Swati has this incredible abilty to relate to investor and stand for their benefit. B Wealthy was the first youtube channel to give the experience of interacting with investors live and I will always remain thankful. It is the unbiased nature of B Wealthy that differentiates Swati in this market. I wish B Wealthy all the very best in all times to come.
VC and CEO, Mirae Asset Investment Managers
What Subscribers are saying
What experts are saying

Deepak Kumar Prasad
B wealthy is one of the best YouTube channel which provides us financial knowledge in very easy way. School or College teach us everything to grow in our life and to get best jobs however B wealthy teach us how we can be financially free so that we don't need to depend on job. I started investing in Mutual funds and now I am in good profits and I am very thankful to B wealthy which helped me with such awareness.

Kamal Agarwal
Despite being a finance professional, I was naïve, and I never invested in share market (neither stocks nor mutual funds) because I saw my mother's savings sinking in stock market during subprime crisis/ US recession of 2008-09. It had a significant impact in my thought process, and I continued believing that share market is very risky.
I continued saving only in FDs throughout the initial 12 years of my work life. Here I deliberately chose the word "saving" and not " investing" because I realized that FD hardly gave just inflation beating returns or even lesser during covid times after adjusting for taxation.
Your videos have changed my life and I feel much more secure with my investments.
With investments in FDs, stocks, MFs, SGB, NPS and PPF plus VPF, I have attached goals with each of them by calculating how much I will need for a specific person after how many years after adjusting for inflation. And back calculated the required investment to be done now as lumpsum or SIP using a conservative estimated return.

Mataprasad Pandey
I respect the entire team of B-Wealthy Team as I understand it takes a lot of hard work to create good content for our viewers !
Being from BFSI industry for over 2 decade, I can say that what you are doing is exactly what people(investors) want. I am highlighting few point below;
1) SwatiJi, You come out with your own video where you explain some crucial part of Investment/insurance in such a simple language that any layman can understand them very well
2) I personally liked your video made on Franklin MF Unit distribution program
3) Lot of Appreciation for your weekly LIVE during weekend with one of the market experts ,which definitely helps but most importantly talks about your consistency, commitment & hard work to your subscribers

Narendra Singh
My Experience with" BWEALTHY" since inception was not only excellent but fruitful also, As the way of explanation to understand nitty gritty of market & investments in simple lay man language along with examples ,suggestion & expert advice etc.. is wonderful from your end. This may be due to ,as you have also started from scratch to get in to this subject of investment & returns and can very well understand the basic needs of service class personnel. Have also got a chance to speak to you in 2006 "your money " through a business channel.

Pratham Mittal
I've been associated with the B-wealthy family for the past 3-4 years.
Regularly, I watch videos on Mam's YouTube channel. These videos have greatly influenced my perspective on future investments. Thanks to the valuable content in those videos, I've embarked on my investing journey and crafted a long-term mutual fund portfolio. This channel is a treasure for those who believe in patience, and long-term investing. I'm an ardent fan of Mam and reside in Pune, though my roots are in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Currently, I work at Ecolab (or Nalco Water) in the capacity of a sourcing and resilient manager.

Raj Nair
I found your channel during Covid extended lockdown, back then I h ad no emergency fund, no SIPs and pretty much no financial planning. During the course of watching your immensely knowledgeable videos, I and my wife got to understand so much about financial planning and then on we decided to take a major shift in our lifestyle. We now have a good emergency fund, SIPs ongoing and a decent stock portfolio as well. All this has come from the relentless efforts of Be Wealthy and the lovely Swati, keep doing the good work and wishing Be Wealthy family all the success ahead.

Sunil Taneja
स्वाति का प्रशंसक 2011 से हूं, जब वे एक business channel पर एंकर थीं। उन्हीं का शो कई महीने लगातार देख कर personal finance ka ककहरा सीखा। कुछ वर्ष बाद उनसे मिलने, और एक जगह काम करने का अवसर भी मिला। अभी कुछ वर्षों से वे अपने social media के माध्यम से, और जिस आसान भाषा में लोगों को पैसे कमाने, पैसे बचाने और पैसे बढ़ाने के गुर सिखा रही हैं, वह अद्भुत और अतुलनीय है।

I have been closely following you on various channels and Youtube for well over 5 years now. You are doing an amazing job of spreading financial literacy . I have seen you make painstaking efforts for investor education which is a commendable trait. The guests / financial advisors in your show give mature and sound advice which can be used by viewers in making informed fi nancial decisions. I have personally benefited immensely from a few episodes where Hybrid funds were discussed by you in detail. Thanks a ton for this. I also saw your Josh talks and must admit you have shown great courage to bare your personal side and let it be a learning experience for your viewers. Highly appreciated I am sure you will do great in all your future endeavors.
What corporates are saying

Pankaj Mathpal
I am truly impressed with B Wealthy and its exceptional initiative in educating the masses about personal finance. The channel's commitment to delivering complex financial concepts in a simple and understandable language is truly commendable. As someone who already possesses a fair understanding of personal finance, I find immense value in B Wealthy's content. However, what sets this channel apart is its ability to empower individuals who are new to the subject. Swati and her team's dedication to making personal finance accessible to everyone is evident in every video they produce. I wholeheartedly support their mission and am honored to have the opportunity to share my thoughts on their impactful work.
CFP, CWM, 30 years of experience in the field of Marketing, Financial Planning and Education

Prableen Bajpai
I have known Swati through our interactions at Zee Business. Swati can connect effortlessly with her audience and this skill coupled with her ability to explain investing and personal finance in a simple way is the backbone of her YouTube channel B Wealthy. B Wealthy is a great platform for retail investors to gain knowledge on everything related to personal finance and investing. Swati’s honest approach and clear intent to help her viewers has always inspired me. B Wealthy is a personal finance channel which must be subscribed. I wish Swati and B Wealthy great success in the field of financial education.
FinFix and Analytics Private Limited.

Prathiba Girish
Swati is very passionate about her work. I have interacted with her on multiple occasions. She does a lot of research for her shows and is always looking for topics which can add value to people. I have seen her taking detailed meticulous notes during meetings. Since she is really warm and friendly, she has access to a lot of experts, she ensures she uses all her resources in her endeavor to put up relevant and well thought out content for her followers.
Certified Financial Planner (CFP™) Founder – Finwise Personal Finance Solutions

Prakash Gaba
I knew Swati Kumari for a long time but became aware of B Wealthy recently and have been watching her videos previous and the new ones with interest and I love them There is one arena where we pay very less attention and that is our financial health…yesterday, today and tomorrow…we are where we are today because of our yesterday and will be there tomorrow because of our today…I wish I was aware of B-Wealthy yesterday because I would have been someplace else today and so tomorrow… Swati Kumari breaks the complex world of finance into very simple actionable concepts for us to understand and act on and with a very smiling face…these small adjustments today I am sure would have geometric impact on our financial life in later years in our life…I am quite sure when we reflect back, we would be saying a silent thank you to ever beautiful smiling Swati and perhaps a ‘God Bless her’ too.
SEBI registered Research Analyst & CFTe

Gaurav Rastogi
Through multiple interaction on personal finance over the years with Swati, one thing is clear she cares deeply about investors and has spent a lot of time evangelising appropriate investing avenues for the average Indian. I have rarely seen such empathy and educational mindset come together in one person.
Co founder & CEO, Kuvera

Rahul Arora
I Am extremely engaging platform that promotes a deep dive analysis into asset allocation and asset classes in an attempt to help it’s viewers navigate their financial aspirations and investments via sound , intellectual , factual and data centric approaches . The platform cuts through the noise , doesn’t digress from its ethos of putting its viewer first and most importantly keeps it simple . It’s been an absolute pleasure being part of its journey and interacting with its founder Swati and here’s wishing it much more success doing forward .
CEO at Nirmal Bang Institutional Equities

We would like to express our earnest appreciation to you and Suranjana for facilitating the financial literacy sessions for Innova Solutions in Noida, Hyderabad, Chennai, and virtually. The sessions were insightful and supported building awareness of female employees on financial planning expertise.
We sincerely appreciate all of the time and work you put in as a facilitator. All of the employees who took part in the workshop were pleased with and appreciative of it. Thank you, and we look forward to conducting more sessions like this.
Director - Human Resource Innova Solutions

Nikita Wadhwa
Your engaging style made some complex concepts accessible. Your insights deepened our understanding of financial management and inspired us to take steps towards our financial goals. Thank you for sharing your expertise, and we look forward to implementing the lessons learned.
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